Homowo Festival

Experiencing the Rich Culture of the Ga People

Location: Accra, Greater Accra Region, Ghana

Homowo, which means “hooting at hunger,” is an annual harvest festival celebrated by the Ga people of Ghana. It commemorates a period of famine in the Ga people’s history and their eventual triumph over hunger. Held primarily in Accra, this vibrant festival is characterized by traditional rituals, music, dance, and feasting. A tour of the Homowo Festival offers a unique opportunity to immerse oneself in the rich cultural heritage and traditions of the Ga community.

Key Attractions:

  1. Traditional Rituals:
    • Libation and Prayers: The festival begins with libation pouring and prayers by the Wulomo (chief priest) to honor the ancestors and seek blessings for the community.
    • Planting of Corn: In the months leading up to Homowo, corn is planted, symbolizing the hope for a bountiful harvest.
  2. Kpokpoi Feast:
    • Special Dish: The highlight of the festival is the preparation and sharing of Kpokpoi (or Kpekple), a traditional dish made from steamed cornmeal and palm nut soup.
    • Community Sharing: Families prepare Kpokpoi and distribute it among friends, relatives, and neighbors, symbolizing unity and community spirit.
  3. Grand Durbar:
    • Cultural Parade: Chiefs, queen mothers, and community leaders dress in regal attire and participate in a grand procession, showcasing the rich cultural heritage of the Ga people.
    • Traditional Music and Dance: Energetic drumming, singing, and traditional dances like Kpanlogo and Otofo are performed, creating a lively and festive atmosphere.
  4. Hooting at Hunger:
    • Symbolic Gesture: The act of “hooting at hunger” involves loud celebrations, singing, and drumming, symbolizing the community’s victory over famine and their gratitude for the harvest.
  5. Social and Family Reunions:
    • Homecoming: Homowo is a time for Ga people living abroad to return home and celebrate with their families, strengthening social bonds and cultural ties.
    • Community Engagement: Various social activities, including sporting events and community meetings, take place, fostering unity and cooperation.


The Homowo Festival offers a rich and immersive cultural experience, providing a deep insight into the traditions and heritage of the Ga people. From the vibrant parades and traditional dances to the communal feasting and heartfelt prayers, the festival is a celebration of resilience, unity, and gratitude. A tour of the Homowo Festival in Accra is not just a festive event but a meaningful journey into the heart of Ghanaian culture and history.

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